
One year of remote and hybrid learning in K-12 schools: The key takeaways for your EdTech business

22 July 2021

In a recent joint research report, YouGov and Ofsted offer robust and timely evidence on remote and digital learning in the UK. The key conclusions: Remote learning and the use of digital classroom management tools will only increase post-pandemic. Learn the facts and find out how you can empower your K-12 school customers with the solutions they need right now.

In January of this year, YouGov published a comprehensive report on “Remote and Digital learning in Schools” on behalf of the UK Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills (Ofsted). It offers important insights into current EdTech trends as well as near-future needs in K-12 education. 

We’ve crunched down the top insights for your EdTech business and show you how a partnership with COOL can turn that knowledge into growth.

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1. Digitalization in K-12 education is booming

Prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, digitalization played a minor role in most K-12 schools. Only a quarter of teachers felt their school prioritized investment in digital learning in the 5 years before the pandemic.

With distance learning, that changed: Now, a staggering 84% of teachers report digital learning is prioritized. And digitalization in schools isn’t just a temporary stopgap in response to school closures. In fact, digital teaching tools and online learning platforms are set to expand.

2. Schools will expand remote monitoring and assessment

Notably, nearly three in ten schools plan to expand their remote tracking and assessment systems and remote learning resources. A quarter of all schools surveyed aim to invest in blended learning in the next few years. Close to one-fifth of K-12 schools plan to invest in a dedicated learning platform.

To scale your business in EdTech, you will need to respond to these trends. But how can you do that if your focus is on supplying hardware? 

The answer is to join forces. 

Partnering with COOL means you can offer your customers all the above options combined. The COOL Platform is a hub for online learning resources that comes with advanced classroom management tools. With Monitoring, teachers can track student activity in real time, no matter where learning happens. COOL Check enables them to digitally administer tests and exams both in school and remotely.

3.  K-12 Schools need simple, out-of-the-box solutions

To meet schools’ growing digital demands, you need to understand not only which remote learning approaches are most popular with K-12 schools but also why. The YouGov/Ofsted report shows that the top consideration for K-12 schools when choosing a remote learning approach is ease of use:

  • Ease with which a system can be applied (34%)
  • Benefits to learners (24%)
  • Existing systems in place (20%)
  • Benefits to teachers (17%)

“Keeping their approach flexible, consistent and economical is critical for schools.”

     – YouGov/Ofsted, 2021

What does this mean for your business? 

It means that the best way to help K-12 customers build a sustainable digital strategy is to provide a one-stop solution that is both effective and simple. For instance, by supplying out-of-the-box devices paired with a learning hub like COOL. That way, teachers and students have all their educational apps and digital tools right at their fingertips, in one easy place.

4. Effective digital teaching requires better tools and training

No matter how great the solution, teacher confidence and buy-in are essential. The YouGov/Ofsted report shows that while the majority of teachers reported they are confident about teaching in a remote or digital setting, nearly one-third are not. 

Much of teachers’ reluctance and uncertainty about using technology in the classroom has to do with missing or outdated hardware along with a lack of effective, easy-to-use classroom management tools and adequate training.

For us EdTech companies, the task is to close these gaps and help schools and educators deliver better education. Together, we can not only prepare teachers and their students for success, but empower them to begin each day in the 21st century classroom with confidence, joy and ease.